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Vaping Battery Safety Tips – What You Need to Know - Black Note

Vaping Battery Safety Tips – What You Need to Know

We believe it’s critical to talk about what you should and shouldn’t do in order to keep you safe from vape battery issues.

You can’t enjoy all the fun as a vaper without prioritizing your safety first. The power of knowledge cannot be overstated. Now, there’s no need to be concerned; according to Battery University, battery explosions are exceedingly rare, occurring only about once per ten million times. The good news is that they are completely preventable. 

What you should and should not do to ensure the safety of your vape battery is covered in this Vaping battery safety article.

“Failing to replace the battery for your vape device will compromise your vaping experience and your vaporizer, which will cost you extra money.”

What you’ll discover after reading this article:

Are vape batteries safe?

A battery for a vaporizer isn’t any different from a battery you use every day in your hands, carry around in your pocket, and bring up to your ear to carry on a regular conversation. Yes, the battery in your phone. Vape batteries are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, and most of them use lithium-ion chemistries, which offer a tremendous amount of power and are also used in tablets, laptops, medical devices, and tablets.

Vapes aren’t any different from other electronic devices in that explosions or flames are always possible. On the other hand, cell phone batteries use lithium ions that are specially created to fit the demands of the device, which sets them apart from vape batteries.

The fact that many vaporizer batteries are not “manufacturer authorized” causes them to operate somewhat differently. Vapers are increasingly customizing their devices to generate more power and larger vape clouds by selecting their own vape batteries and other components. As a result, many vapers who lack the necessary expertise are in danger. Explosions can also be linked to improper use, materials that were purchased on a budget, and low-quality equipment.

5 Tips for Ensuring your Vaping Battery Safety

Batteries for vape devices are different from regular AA or AAA batteries. Battery-powered regulated mods use far more powerful 18650s or 20700s, which need to be handled with care. Here are our top 5 vaping battery safety tips.

Keep the battery wraps intact

The vape batteries’ wrapping serves as protection from metal-to-metal contacts, which can result in malfunctions and even explosions. Always make sure the battery wrappers are in excellent shape before putting them into your vape. Examine each side, paying careful attention to the areas towards the top and bottom of your vape battery. It must be re-wrapped if the wrapper has a tear or nick. You can re-wrap your batteries for free at most local vape shops, or you may do it yourself.

Use battery cases

Always keep spare batteries in the appropriate battery cases when traveling with them. They must never be abandoned carelessly in bags or pockets. Batteries can short-circuit and possibly explode if they are improperly stored and come in contact with other metal objects or batteries in the pocket.

Use a dedicated charge

Nowadays, a lot of mods have charging connectors built right into the body. However, using a specialized battery charger is preferable if your batteries are removable. Your batteries may be charged effectively with simple battery chargers. Chargers with more features offer extras like health monitoring and battery data.

Make use of married batteries

 Always marry each battery that matches when making use of a mod that needs more than one battery. If your device, for instance, needs two batteries, keep the two together and simultaneously charge them. This helps reduce the likelihood of capacity and performance imbalance by keeping them charging and discharging at the same pace.

If your vape’s batteries become damaged or wet, replace them.

Finally, everyone knows that water and electronics don’t mix well, as with your vape batteries. A damaged or moist battery has a far higher likelihood of malfunctioning and exploding. Your batteries should be thrown out right away and replaced with new ones if you see any dents, scratches or suspect they may have become wet.

Can a vape battery catch on fire?

A vape battery can overheat to a runaway temperature, whether it is in your pocket, a mod device, or a battery charger. When a lithium-based battery becomes overheated, a chemical process starts inside of it. This reaction lasts until an explosion, or a huge fire occurs. Even while a vape battery fire is harmful in and of itself, major physical harm can result if the battery explodes in your pocket or, even worse, in your mouth. To avoid a fire or an explosion, dispose of your battery securely and quickly if it has been damaged or overheated. A damaged battery must be thrown away and never used again; you can’t wait for it to cool down before using it again safely.

Why do vape batteries need to be wrapped?

Some batteries are usually wrapped for a very simple reason: if a battery’s positive pin and edge ever make contact with metal at the same time, a spark could result. And how about that? It might, at worst, result in an explosion or a fire. Therefore, the wrapping is a type of the last line of defense against the worst, though highly unlikely, scenario from occurring. Please take note that if a battery’s wrapping is destroyed and you continue using it, you are taking this same risk. Without a doubt, it’s crucial that you inspect the battery wrapping frequently—in fact, more than frequently.

How are wrapped batteries damaged?

Wear and tear is the foremost reason for cracked or damaged battery wrapping on e-cigarettes. It’s extremely likely that the wrapping will simply degrade with use, peeling and cracking away from the top and bottom of the battery. The decay of the wrapping due to improper battery handling shouldn’t happen; if you’re not careful with how you store, hold, and insert your batteries into your device, you might easily indent or scratch the wraps, which will require replacement.

4 Ways to Know if Your Vape Battery is Bad

When you constantly observe that your vape battery no longer lasts as long as when you initially started using it while vaping at around the same wattage, it is probably time to get a new one.

A vape battery can become hotter while recharging. This might be happening because you haven’t updated your coil resistance or power settings.

Device Repeatedly Displays “Low Battery”

Another warning your vape battery needs to be replaced is when your device repeatedly displays “low battery”. This could happen after you increase the wattage.

Experiencing Lesser Hits

Lesser hits are also another sign of a failing battery. Underwhelming hits happen when a battery is getting close to its end of life; it will still be functional but unable to heat things properly.

Battery Cell Won’t Fully Recharge

Another sign that it’s time for a replacement is if you are making use of an external charger to charge your mod battery and the cell cannot reach 4.2V. However, before you buy a new one, try switching the charger bays first.

Yes, it is safe to charge your vape batteries with external chargers. In actuality, they frequently do a good job of protecting battery life.

Battery Leaks Fluid or Vents

Furthermore, a battery that leaks fluid or vents even slightly is a sure sign that something is wrong. A battery that is leaking might overheat, which can result in a thermal runaway or explosion.

No vaper wants this.

Key Takeaways

A bad battery can ruin your daily vaping experience. It won’t be able to properly power your vape device .

If your vape device isn’t working properly, replace the battery right away. You’ll risk damaging your device if you don’t.

The issues could get worse and affect your vaporizer. This will cost you extra money because you would have to replace it.

Even worse, it might be a health risk that could have unfavorable physical effects, which is one of the dangers of vape pens if not properly cared for.

To learn more about vaping, please do well to read more articles on our website and also subscribe to our email newsletter.

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